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Nineteen-year-old Juicy Stanfield is the envy of every girl in Harlem thanks to œsugar-daddy Granite œG McKay, a 46-year-old gangster. And she's committed to the old G, until she meets his sexy adult son....
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Hide & Seek


James Patterson


When singer Maggie Bradford killed her husband, it was-without a doubt-self-defense. Now her second husband is dead and Maggie's on trial for murder. And this time, even she's not sure of her innocence.
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Black Friday


James Patterson


When a brutal secret militia attacks New York City, federal agent Arch Carroll joins attorney Caitlin Dillon to discover who was behind this horrifying act. (Previously published as Black Market.)
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The 5th Horseman


James Patterson


Lieutenant Lindsay Boxer's up against a pair of serial killers with a chilling m.o.-and a hospital that could be covering up multiple homicides in this fifth installment of the Women's Murder Club series.
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Publishers Edition: $27.95

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Mary, Mary


James Patterson


For FBI agent Alex Cross, there's no vacation from murder. His family trip to Disneyland is cut short by a serial killer known as Mary Smith and it's up to Alex to stop this terror of Tinseltown.
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Publishers Edition: $27.95

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Chapterhouse: Dune


Frank Herbert


The original Dune saga finale: Arrakis has been destroyed. The empire is in chaos. The Bene Gesserit, beleaguered heirs to Dune's powers, are turning a green world into a desert...acre by seared acre.
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Martin Van Buren


Ted Widmer


Widmer shows how Van Buren-a native Dutch speaker, New Yorker, and America's first ethnic president-helped construct the mechanisms of modern party politics and managed Andrew Jackson's election.
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Publishers Edition: $23.00

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Breaking the Cycle




In this vivid collection of fictional stories, Zane and others show the physical and emotional destruction that domestic violence inflicts on its victims with eye“opening tales that will tug at your heart.
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The Christmas Hope


Donna VanLiere


It's been five years since Patricia and Mark's son died, and they've given up hope of ever having a joyous Christmas. But when Patricia brings home a 5-year-old who's just lost her mother, God begins His healing.
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Publishers Edition: $14.95

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A Stroke of Midnight


Laurell K. Hamilton


In the midst of her passionate quest to produce an heir to the Unseelie throne, Princess Meredith NicEssus-aka P.I. Merry Gentry-has to dodge assassination attempts in both mortal and immortal worlds.
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Publishers Edition: $23.95

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