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Search results for Alan Dean Foster in AUTHOR

Alien 3: The Novelization


Alan Dean Foster


Here, even the wind screams. Abandoned hulks of machinery rust in the colorless landscape. Dark, oily seas beat against a jagged black shore....
Members Edition: $11.17

Publishers Edition: $15.95

You pay: $7.49

Star Trek Movie Tie-In


Alan Dean Foster


Are you willing to settle for an ordinary life? Or do you think you were meant for something better? Something special...."
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Star Wars: The Approaching Storm


Alan Dean Foster


On the strategic planet Ansion, a powerful faction is on the verge of joining the secessionist movement. The Jedi Council sends Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to stabilize the population....
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

Patrimony: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


In Patrimony, fans will learn more about their favorite redhead - with emerald eyes, uncanny powers, and a poisonous minidrag - than they ever dreamed possible....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Running from the Deity: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


In the outer depths of the universe lies the Great Emptiness, where something dreadful lurks, hidden behind a great gravitational lens of dark matter....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Sliding Scales: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


A fantastic new Pip and Flinx adventure starring a certain 24-year-old redhead with emerald eyes and uncanny abilities and his devoted mini-dragon protector....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Bloodhype: A Pip and Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


It caused instant addiction, followed by an excruciating slow death, and there was no known antidote. It was a killer....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

The End of the Matter: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


Accompanied by his faithful minidrag Pip and a most troublesome alien called Abalamahalamatandra, Flinx set out for Alaspin, the ruggedly primitive homeworld of his flying snake...
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Orphan Star: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


One man in the Universe holds the key to the mystery of Flinx's past - and that man is trying to kill him....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

For Love of Mother-Not: A Pip & Flinx Adventure


Alan Dean Foster


He was just a freckle-faced, red-headed kid with green eyes and a strangely campelling stare when Mather Mastiff first saw him an the auctioneer's block....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

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