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Search results for Caleb Carr in AUTHOR

What If? Volume 2: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been


Caleb Carr,Cecelia Holland,Lance Morrow


There is no surer way to make history come alive than to contemplate those moments when the world's future...
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $7.49

Killing Time


Caleb Carr


"It is the greatest truth of our age: information is not knowledge..." The year is 2023, and much of the world enjoys great wealth generated by the triumph of information technology. However...
Members Edition: $27.93

Publishers Edition: $39.95

You pay: $7.49

The Angel of Darkness


Caleb Carr


In The Angel of Darkness, C-aleb Carr brings back the vivid world of his best-selling The Alienist, but with a twist....
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $21.53

You pay: $7.49

Killing Time


Caleb Carr


"It is the greatest truth of our age: information is not knowledge..." The year is 2023, and much of the world enjoys great wealth generated by the triumph of information technology. However...
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $7.49

The Alienist


Caleb Carr


New York, 1896: Reporter John Moore is summoned to the East River by his friend, psychiatrist Laszlo Kreizler, a brilliant pioneer in the new and much-maligned study of society's "alienated" mentally ill...
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $22.00

You pay: $7.49

The Italian Secretary


Caleb Carr


The best-selling author of the Alienist series returns with a chilling elaboration on the Sherlock Holmes canon, as the famed detective investigates a pair of gruesome murders....
Members Edition: $21.27

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $7.49

No End Save Victory Vol. 1: Perspectives on World War II


Stephen E. Ambrose,Caleb Carr,William Manchester,and more


Stephen Ambrose tells the miraculous story of how a single American company took the Remagen Bridge over the Rhine...
Members Edition: $20.97

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

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