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Audible Audiobook Club Selection

Audible Audiobook Club is probably one of the most popular and oldest audiobook clubs out there. Thier selection is second to none and it spans across all genres. No matter what you're into, Audible Audiobook Club is sure to have it! Please use our search feature to browse the great and expanding Audible Audiobook Club selection.

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Search results for Elizabeth Bear in AUTHOR

Starship Vectors


Stephen Baxter,Elizabeth Bear,Sarah Monette,Charles Coleman Finlay,Gwyneth Jones,Nancy Kress,Robert


Starships come in many shapes and sizes. Their crews and passengers are an eclectic lot. They venture into the deep voids of space on their assigned missions. Sometimes they succeed and sometimes they do not....
Members Edition: $23.09

Publishers Edition: $32.99

You pay: $7.49



Jay Lake,Tobias Buckell,Elizabeth Bear,John Scalzi,Karl Schroeder


Armed camps of eco-survivalists battle purveyors of technology in this exclusive, original production featuring five sci-fi masters and five all-star narrators....
Members Edition: $19.95

Publishers Edition: $28.50

You pay: $7.49

We, Robots


Elizabeth Bear,James Cambias,Jeffrey Ford,Dominic Green,Daryl Gregory,Ian McDonald,Michael Swanwick


This is a collection of seven contemporary robot tales written by some of today's most acclaimed science fiction authors....
Members Edition: $19.59

Publishers Edition: $27.99

You pay: $7.49

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