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Search results for Joe Lansdale in AUTHOR

A Fine Dark Line


Joe R. Lansdale


A sad, hollow beat trails the kids who waste their weekends at the Dairy Queen. And an undetected menace simmers under the heat that clings to the skin like thin molasses....
Members Edition: $20.97

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

Captains Outrageous: A Hap and Leonard Novel #6


Joe R. Lansdale


Hap Collins, chicken plant guard, saves a young woman's life, and her father, owner of the chicken plant, rewards him with a large cash bonus....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Rumble Tumble: A Hap and Leonard Novel #5


Joe R. Lansdale


Hap Collins and Leonard Pine are in for an adventure when they cross paths with a towering Pentecostal preacher, a midget with a giant attitude, and a gang of bikers turned soldiers of fortune....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Night They Missed the Horror Show: Dark Voices, Vol. 2


Joe R. Lansdale


Cult writer Joe Lansdale reads this award-winning, famous, and controversial story of racism....
Members Edition: $6.96

Publishers Edition: $9.95

You pay: $7.49

Bad Chili: A Hap and Leonard Novel #4


Joe R. Lansdale


Hap Collins has just returned home from a gig working on an off-shore oil rig. With a new perspective on life, Hap wants to change the way he's living, and shoot the straight and narrow.....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

The Two-Bear Mambo: A Hap and Leonard Novel #3


Joe R. Lansdale


In this rollicking, rollercoaster ride of a novel, Hap Collins and Leonard Pine take a break from their day jobs to search for Florida Grange, Leonard's drop-dead gorgeous lawyer and Hap's former lover....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Mucho Mojo: Hap and Leonard #2


Joe R. Lansdale


Leonard is still nursing the injuries he sustained in the duo's last wild undertaking when he learns that his Uncle Chester has passed....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Vanilla Ride: A Hap and Leonard Novel #7


Joe R. Lansdale


Hap Collins is an Texas redneck, with a liberal bent, and a weakness for Texas women. Leonard Pine is a black, gay, Vietnam veteran. Not who you'd normally pick for best friends, but there you go....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Savage Season: A Hap and Leonard Novel #1


Joe R. Lansdale


Hap Collins and Leonard Pine are best friends, yet they couldn't be more different....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

Sunset and Sawdust


Joe R. Lansdale


It begins with an explosion: Sunset Jones kills her husband with a bullet to the brain....
Members Edition: $21.27

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $7.49

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