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Search results for John Townsend in AUTHOR

Where Is God?: Finding His Presence, Purpose and Power in Difficult Times


John Townsend


Hard times make us look for God. Everyone has problems. But if we could solve all our difficulties ourselves, would we ever search for God....
Members Edition: $17.49

Publishers Edition: $24.99

You pay: $7.49

Now What Do I Do?: The Surprising Solution When Things Go Wrong


John Townsend


This is a quick-read book that will help you tap into the power of seven key principles to solve everything....
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $20.24

You pay: $7.49



Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend


Christians often focus so much on being loving and unselfish that they forget their own limitations...
Members Edition: $12.59

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $7.49

12 'Christian' Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy: Relief from False Assumptions


Henry Cloud,John Townsend


This book helps people understand 12 common false assumptions about Christianity that cripple their faith....
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $20.24

You pay: $7.49

Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships


Henry Cloud,John Townsend


Boundaries in Dating provides a way to think, solve problems, and enjoy the benefits of dating in the fullest way....
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $20.24

You pay: $7.49

How to Have that Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding


Henry Cloud,John Townsend


The practical handbook for having that difficult conversation you've been avoiding by the authors of the award-winning and best-selling Boundaries.....
Members Edition: $15.93

Publishers Edition: $12.99

You pay: $7.49

Boundaries in Dating


Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend


Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating....
Members Edition: $15.93

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $7.49

Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know


Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend


No matter what need brings a group of people together members are part of a small group because they want to grow....
Members Edition: $27.93

Publishers Edition: $34.99

You pay: $7.49

How People Grow: What the Bible Reveals About Personal Growth


Henry Cloud and John Townsend


Our desire to grow runs deep. Yet the issues in our lives and relationships that we wish would change often stay the same, even with our best efforts at spiritual growth....
Members Edition: $14.60

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $7.49

Boundaries in Marriage


Henry Cloud,John Townsend


It takes two individuals to become one flesh. Only when you and your mate know and respect each other's needs...
Members Edition: $11.95

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $7.49

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