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Search results for Lynda La Plante in AUTHOR

Trial and Retribution VI


Lynda La Plante


When a woman is snatched from a wood, Detective Inspector Pat North seizes control of her first major enquiry, one that appears to be over when a local sex offender quickly confesses....
Members Edition: $24.10

Publishers Edition: $34.42

You pay: $7.49

Trial and Retribution IV


Lynda La Plante


Detective Inspector Pat North is assigned to the re-investigation of an eight-year-old murder case in which James McCready was convicted of killing his partner, Gary Meadows....
Members Edition: $22.21

Publishers Edition: $31.72

You pay: $7.49

Trial and Retribution III


Lynda La Plante


Fifteen-year-old Cassie Booth is missing after her paper round....
Members Edition: $24.10

Publishers Edition: $34.42

You pay: $7.49

Trial and Retribution V


Lynda La Plante


A derelict house is being demolished when workmen discover the remains of a young girl....
Members Edition: $24.10

Publishers Edition: $34.42

You pay: $7.49

Trial and Retribution II


Lynda La Plante


Identical and needlessly brutal assaults on three women. One woman survives to give a detailed description of her attacker....
Members Edition: $25.99

Publishers Edition: $37.13

You pay: $7.49

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