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Search results for Reginald Hill in AUTHOR

Dream of Darkness


Reginald Hill


Sairey Ellis's father is writing his memoirs. As an ex-security man whose life work has been in Africa, his revelations will be explosive, blowing the lid off support for Idi Amin....
Members Edition: $17.66

Publishers Edition: $25.23

You pay: $7.49

The Roar of the Butterflies


Reginald Hill


Shocking allegations of cheating have been directed at Chris Porphyry. When Chris turns to Joe Sixsmith, PI, only Joe hadn't counted on being French-kissed then dangled out of a window on the same day....
Members Edition: $16.54

Publishers Edition: $23.62

You pay: $7.49

The Spy's Wife


Reginald Hill


Molly Keatley is deeply contented with her life and her loving husband. That all changes one morning when her husband comes rushing home, mutters a hasty apology...and disappears...
Members Edition: $19.85

Publishers Edition: $28.35

You pay: $7.49

An April Shroud


Reginald Hill


In this novel the best detective duo in British crime writing are investigating murder amongst the upper classes and there is also the unlikely prospect of Dalziel being in love....
Members Edition: $24.88

Publishers Edition: $35.55

You pay: $7.49

A Pinch Of Snuff


Reginald Hill


Dalziel and Pascoe investigate allegations made about the Calliope Club, which screens pornographic movies. But before theirinvestigations bear fruit, the cinema is wrecked and its owner killed....
Members Edition: $24.88

Publishers Edition: $35.55

You pay: $7.49

An Advancement of Learning


Reginald Hill


Superintendent Dalziel had a somewhat cynical view of what college administrations spent his taxes on....
Members Edition: $25.99

Publishers Edition: $37.13

You pay: $7.49

A Clubbable Woman


Reginald Hill


When Connon got back from the Rugby Club, his wife was even more uncommunicative than usual....
Members Edition: $24.10

Publishers Edition: $34.42

You pay: $7.49

A Killing Kindness


Reginald Hill


When Mary Dinwoodie is found choked in a ditch following a night out with her boyfriend, a mysterious caller phones the local paper with a quotation from Hamlet....
Members Edition: $24.10

Publishers Edition: $34.42

You pay: $7.49

Exit Lines


Reginald Hill


Three old men die on a stormy November night: one by deliberate violence, one in a road accident, and one by an unknown cause....
Members Edition: $25.99

Publishers Edition: $37.13

You pay: $7.49

Child's Play


Reginald Hill


Andy Dalziel was preoccupied with the illegal book that one of his Sergeants was running on who was to be appointed as the new Chief Constable....
Members Edition: $25.99

Publishers Edition: $37.13

You pay: $7.49

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