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Search results for Rhys Bowen in AUTHOR

A Royal Pain: A Royal Spyness Mystery


Rhys Bowen


The Queen of England has concocted a plan in which penniless aristocrat Lady Georgie is to entertain a Bavarian princess and conveniently place her in the playboy prince's path....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

Her Royal Spyness: A Royal Spyness Mystery


Rhys Bowen


Georgie, aka Lady Victoria Georgiana Charlotte Eugenie, cousin of King George V of England, is penniless and trying to survive on her own as an ordinary person in London in 1932....
Members Edition: $21.95

Publishers Edition: $31.35

You pay: $7.49

Royal Flush: A Royal Spyness Mystery


Rhys Bowen


A Royal Spyness mystery starring Lady Georgiana, 34th in line for the throne-and the mystery world's favorite penniless heiress...
Members Edition: $21.95

Publishers Edition: $31.35

You pay: $7.49

Evan Blessed


Rhys Bowen


Two weeks before the big day, Welsh Constable Evans is ready to be done planning for his wedding....
Members Edition: $39.93

Publishers Edition: $50.00

You pay: $7.49

Royal Blood: A Royal Spyness Mystery


Rhys Bowen


Penniless and 34th in line to the throne, Lady Georgiana Rannoch finds herself in a truly draining state of affairs....
Members Edition: $24.95

Publishers Edition: $35.64

You pay: $7.49

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