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Search results for Stephen Hunter in AUTHOR

The Second Saladin


Stephen Hunter


In the windswept sands of the Middle East, Paul Chardy fought side by side with Ulu Beg: one, a charismatic, high-strung CIA covert warrior, the other a ferocious freedom fighter....
Members Edition: $9.44

Publishers Edition: $13.48

You pay: $7.49

The Master Sniper


Stephen Hunter


With a sniper's rifle he has calmly executed hundreds of enemy soldiers in a single battle, and gunned down thousands of innocent civilians in a single day....
Members Edition: $6.99

Publishers Edition: $9.99

You pay: $7.49

Time to Hunt


Stephen Hunter


During the latter days of the Vietnam War, deep in-country, a young idealistic Marine named Donny Fenn was cut down by...
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $23.95

You pay: $7.49

Tapestry of Spies


Stephen Hunter


Julian Raines was one of the first Englishmen to volunteer for the international brigade in Spain....
Members Edition: $6.99

Publishers Edition: $9.99

You pay: $7.49

The Day Before Midnight


Stephen Hunter


The countdown to midnight begins on a winter dawn. In Maryland, welder Jack Hummel is abducted from his suburban home and whisked to the South Mountain MX missile site....
Members Edition: $10.50

Publishers Edition: $14.99

You pay: $7.49

Dirty White Boys


Stephen Hunter


This intense, suspenseful, action-packed crime drama follows the tradition of In Cold Blood...
Members Edition: $15.93

Publishers Edition: $17.00

You pay: $7.49

Black Light


Stephen Hunter


Bob Lee Swagger has seen - and delivered - dozens of deaths. As a United States Marine sniper in Vietnam...
Members Edition: $19.93

Publishers Edition: $23.95

You pay: $7.49

Point of Impact


Stephen Hunter


A shadowy military organization seduces Vietnam vet Bob Lee Swagger into leaving his beloved Arkansas hills for one last mission for his country - unaware until too late that the game is rigged....
Members Edition: $14.60

Publishers Edition: $14.99

You pay: $7.49

Dead Zero: A Bob Lee Swagger Novel #11


Stephen Hunter


A marine sniper team on a mission in tribal territories on the Afghan-Pakistan border is ambushed by professionals using the latest high-tech shooting gear....
Members Edition: $6.99

Publishers Edition: $9.99

You pay: $7.49

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