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Audible Audiobook Club is probably one of the most popular and oldest audiobook clubs out there. Thier selection is second to none and it spans across all genres. No matter what you're into, Audible Audiobook Club is sure to have it! Please use our search feature to browse the great and expanding Audible Audiobook Club selection.

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Search results for Stephen Mansfield in AUTHOR

The Faith of the American Soldier


Stephen Mansfield


Since men and women in battle not only face the prospect of their own deaths but fashion a moral rationale for killing, the battlefield is often a place of tremendous religious transformation....
Members Edition: $13.96

Publishers Edition: $19.95

You pay: $7.49

The Faith of George W. Bush


Stephen Mansfield


The first audiobook to explore the religious ideals that drive the policies and politics of Bush as president and that have privately shaped Bush as a man....
Members Edition: $17.47

Publishers Edition: $24.95

You pay: $7.49

No Retreat, No Surrender: One American's Fight


Tom DeLay,Stephen Mansfield


In this eagerly awaited memoir, Tom DeLay shares fascinating stories from his entire political career....
Members Edition: $21.27

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

The Faith of Barack Obama


Stephen Mansfield


There is more to the senator's faith than the crises arising from his former pastor, Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr....
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $19.99

You pay: $7.49

The Faith and Values of Sarah Palin


Stephen Mansfield,David A Holland


From the moment she joined John McCain on the Republican ticket in 2008, Sarah Palin has stirred a firestorm of emotion rarely seen in American politics....
Members Edition: $16.09

Publishers Edition: $22.99

You pay: $7.49

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