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Sample Ashley & JaQuavis Books

Murder Mamas


Ashley & JaQuavis


When Murder Mamas Robyn and Aries botch a job, Robyn lands on Death Row and Aries goes on the run. Now Aries has to put it all on the line to close the deal, leaving her family and her sanity and her soul behind....
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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang


Ashley & JaQuavis


Together seven years, Detroit hustlers Free and Six face nothing but drama-with each other and the street.
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Ashley & JaQuavis


In the first book of a new trilogy, A'shai and Liberty, now living the good life after a childhood in Sierra Leone plagued by violence that taught them how to hustle for what they want, face their biggest tragedy.
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Black Friday


Ashley & JaQuavis


When a reunion with an old friend goes wrong, Kasheef is forced to protect himself-and Alija walks in on a situation she was never meant to see.... But who will be left standing when the truth and lies collide?
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The Cartel 3


Ashley & JaQuavis


In the final installment in the Cartel series, Carter now knows the real truth about Miamor-that she killed his family. But can they find their way back together-or have they already reached the point of no return....
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The Cartel


Ashley & JaQuavis


The leader of The Murder Mamas, Miamor's crew has been hired to bring down Carter's Cartel. But when worlds collide and the truth comes out, which alliance will Carter and Miamor choose-family or each other?
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The Cartel 2


Ashley & JaQuavis


Miamor has been involved in some pretty scary situations-especially her passionate affair with Cartel captain Carter. But their families remain at war and Miamor will do whatever it takes to bring the Cartel down.
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The Trophy Wife


Ashley & JaQuavis


Out of prison, Kalil tries to piece his life back together but the streets pull him back. Can he get back on track?
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Murderville 2: The Epidemic


Ashley & JaQuavis


Liberty, who escaped a terrifying childhood in Sierra Leone and grew up in the L.A. ˜hood, is running for her life from the crime kingpin Samad when she meets a drug dealer whose ambition forces her to confront her past.
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