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Sample Barbara Cameron Books

Her Restless Heart: Stitches in Time Book 1


Barbara Cameron


Mary Katherine is caught between Amish traditions and the pull of a more worldly way. Will she choose Daniel's Englisch world? Or will she embrace her Amish faith and choose Jacob as the man with whom to build a life?
Members Edition: $9.95

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A Time to Heal: Quilts of Lancaster County #2


Barbara Cameron


An ex-soldier searching for peace in his life and an Amish woman fall in love. Is there a chance for these two, so opposite yet so alike, to have a life together? Includes Amish recipes and a dictionary of Amish words.
Members Edition: $9.95

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A Time for Peace


Barbara Cameron


When Jenny finds a past letter from her father, she struggles to understand his words while her trust in God is challenged. Without warning, Jenny's perfect life is thrown into confusion by unanswered questions.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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The Literary Guild
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