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Sample Brenda Jackson Books

Sensual Confessions


Brenda Jackson


The œlast man standing of the Madaris men, Blade meets gorgeous attorney Sam, and she takes his breath away. She's not into players, so he'll have to bare his soul and confess everything that's in his heart to win her.
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A Silken Thread


Brenda Jackson


When a crisis brings Brian and Erica back into each other's lives, and it's clear their passion still burns, will they be able to get over the past and fight together for a love that hangs by a silken thread?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Brenda Jackson


Brenda Jackson serves up another helping of Madaris men magic as Reese Madaris's platonic roomie, the beautiful LaKenna James, is soon to discover just how far a Madaris man is willing to go when love is at stake....
Members Edition: $9.95

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Eternally Yours


Brenda Jackson


Clayton Madaris, an attorney who's always been a playa, meets Syneda, a fellow lawyer who's wary of men. When she shocks herself by going on vacation with him, can he close the case that he's ready for true love?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Doubleday Book Club
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