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Star Wars®: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension


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In the penultimate FOTJ novel, the Jedi Order struggles to maintain peace, but can it prevail against the threats of Sith power, a deposed dictator bent on vengeance and an evil entity hungry to rule the galaxy?
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Star Wars®: Fate of the Jedi: Omen


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When an insane Jedi Knight displays a Force ability known only to Jacen Solo and the alien Aing-Tii, Luke Skywalker heads to the aliens' world...unaware that a secret society of Sith has sent a strike team to kill him.
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Star Wars®: Fate of the Jedi: Allies


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In their search for the powerful dark-side entity inhabiting the Maw, a Jedi/Sith alliance must wait for reinforcements on Klatooine-a Hutt-ruled planet. Will Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai lead them all to triumph...or disaster?
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