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Sample Cleo Coyle Books

A Brew To A Kill


Cleo Coyle


Coffeehouse owner Clare Cosi fears that a rash of hit-and-run œaccidents means the competition has turned deadly. Meanwhile, Clare's in hot water with the DEA over a shipment containing more than coffee beans! Recipes.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

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Murder by Mocha


Cleo Coyle


Clare's Village Blend beans are being used to create a new java love potion expected to make millions. But it seems someone wants the coffee's secret...and is willing to kill to get it. Coffee tips and chocolate recipes.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

You pay: $9.95

Holiday Buzz


Cleo Coyle


Clare Cosi has merriment, not murder, on her mind, perfecting her Fa-la-la-la-latte recipe to serve at a charity cookie swap. But her festive spirit falters when she finds the body of a young baker's assistant. Recipes.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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