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Sample Linda Byler Books

Big Decisions


Linda Byler


Lizzie has some decisions to make: Will she join the church? Will she marry Stephen? Does she really want to get married? Does Stephen? When Lizzie finds her answers, you may find that they apply to your own life, too.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Lizzie's Amish Cookbook


Linda Byler


From Chicken Stew with Dumplings to Veggie Soup and Homemade Pizza, from Pumpkin Whoopie Pies to Garden Mint Tea, this one-of-a-kind collection of recipes is sure to bring you as much pleasure as it does Lizzie.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Running Around (and Such)


Linda Byler


Lizzie longs to fit into her quiet Amish community, but isn't sure it's for her-she has a temper, hates housework and dislikes babies. Could she be too high-spirited to live her life as an Amish woman?
Members Edition: $9.95

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The Little Amish Matchmaker: A Christmas Romance


Linda Byler


This charming story takes readers deep into the Amish world as anticipation for the Christmas program builds and Isaac carries out his plan to help his big brother act on his growing affection for Teacher Catherine.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $14.95

You pay: $9.95

When Strawberries Bloom


Linda Byler


New love and new questions enter Lizzie's life in this novel written by an Amish writer and based on true life experiences. Lizzie's dream of teaching school has come true-but at home things are in turmoil.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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Rhapsody Book Club
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