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Sample Rita Mae Brown Books

The Big Cat Nap (Large Print)


Rita Mae Brown

Lrg Print Hardcover

A run of strange car accidents-hers included-sends Harry Haristeen and her P.I. pets on a race for answers. But murder's fast approaching in the rearview mirror, aiming to run the sleuths off the road for good!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $33.99

You pay: $9.95

Murder Unleashed


Rita Mae Brown


After a banker is found slain in a foreclosed Reno home, Mags, her Aunt Jeep and canine sleuths Baxter and King follow their noses to find the killer-digging up shady dealings and tales of lost treasure along the way.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.00

You pay: $9.95

Hiss of Death (Large Print)


Rita Mae Brown

Lrg Print Hardcover

In the 19th novel in this bestselling series, Harry Haristeen falls ill, and it will be up to her beloved cats, Mrs. Murphy and Pewter, along with corgi Tucker, to catch the villain behind a vicious murder close to home.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $33.99

You pay: $9.95

A Nose for Justice


Rita Mae Brown


Fleeing her banking job in NYC, Mags and her dachshund, Baxter, head for the Nevada ranch of her great-aunt Jeep, where she discovers a body at a renovation site...and a local conflict that escalates into murder!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.00

You pay: $9.95

Hiss of Death


Rita Mae Brown


In the 19th novel in this bestselling series, Harry Haristeen falls ill, and it will be up to her beloved cats, Mrs. Murphy and Pewter, along with corgi Tucker, to catch the villain behind a vicious murder close to home.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $9.95

The Big Cat Nap


Rita Mae Brown


A run of strange car accidents-hers included-sends Harry Haristeen and her P.I. pets on a race for answers. But murder's fast approaching in the rearview mirror, aiming to run the sleuths off the road for good!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $9.95

Cat of the Century


Rita Mae Brown


Harry Harristeen and her menagerie of mystery-solving pets travel to William Woods University in Missouri for Aunt Tally's 100th birthday celebration-but a killer is determined to turn the party into a funeral.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $9.95

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The Literary Guild
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Rhapsody Book Club
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