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Sample Scott Cunningham Books

Cunningham's Magical Sampler


Scott Cunningham


Nearly two decades after his passing, new and longtime fans of Scott will delight in his timeless wisdom on perennially popular topics such as the sabbats, magical gardening and protection magic. B&W illustrations.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

Cunningham's Book of Shadows


Scott Cunningham


Scott's long-lost manuscript was recently discovered over 10 years after his passing. An œAmerican Book of Shadows, differentiating itself from traditions such as Celtic, it weaves Wiccan material with his own work.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $19.95

You pay: $9.95

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The Literary Guild
Join today and get 2 books for $9.99 each!

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One Spirit
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One Spirit is the only book club dedicated to bringing you the most informative, most inspirational, and the most empowering products available today. The Club has a vast selection of today's top titles, covering health and wellness, self-help, psychology, spirituality, new age and more. Our expert editors personally select every book we offer, so you can count on finding only the best books. Save up to 25% off publishers' edition prices on every book.