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C.J. Cherryh


When the aiji's son insists Bren Cameron take him on vacation, Bren agrees, never dreaming how much trouble a boy can get into in the turbulent south...where a conspirator is quietly plotting to destroy Tabini's rule.
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C.J. Cherryh


Between interceding for the warlike Edi, riding herd on the aiji's son, and wondering which guards may suddenly switch sides, Bren Cameron is caught in an enemy strike-an attack that may prove the ultimate game-changer.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

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C.J. Cherryh


Bren Cameron is a guest in the house of the enemy, trying to forge a treaty with the unpredictable Marid. But on the verge of peace, a rogue faction of the Assassin's Guild may throw the entire continent back into chaos.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

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C.J. Cherryh


Envoy Bren Cameron is dealt the most delicate hand of his diplomatic career: Negotiate a world-changing peace with the rebel lord, Machigi, while ferreting out the treacherous leaks within Tabini-aiji's own household!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.95

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