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Sample Elizabeth Moon Books

Oath of Fealty


Elizabeth Moon


In The Deed of Paksenarrion,'s long-awaited sequel, two kingdoms battle a powerful clan whose ancient sorcery is steeped in death and evil. Their only hope: a young woman whose magery is not tainted in innocent blood.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.00

You pay: $9.95

Echoes of Betrayal


Elizabeth Moon


As Kings Kieri and Mikeli grapple with their peoples' distrust of the elves and of the mage Dorrin, rampaging dragonspawn tip the balance of power among humans, elves and gnomes. A fateful collision seems inevitable....
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $9.95

Kings of the North


Elizabeth Moon


Now that Kieri of Lyonya and Mikeli of Tsaia are kings, peace reigns-or does it? As an odd rift develops between Kieri and his elven co-ruler, invaders advance on the borders and dark magic threatens from within Lyonya.
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $26.00

You pay: $9.95

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