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Sample Frank Herbert Books

Chapterhouse: Dune


Frank Herbert


The original Dune saga finale: Arrakis has been destroyed. The empire is in chaos. The Bene Gesserit, beleaguered heirs to Dune's powers, are turning a green world into a desert...acre by seared acre.
Members Edition: $9.95

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God Emperor of Dune


Frank Herbert


In book 4 of the original Dune saga, Leto is transformed into a sandworm, the creature that has made his empire possible. But how much of his humanity remains...and what will it mean for the people of Arrakis?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Heretics of Dune


Frank Herbert


Centuries after Tyrant Leto's death, humans return to Arrakis as it becomes a desert where the sandworms are dying. Some religious acolytes can save Dune...but at the cost of their greatest talent: their psionic reasoning.
Members Edition: $9.95

You pay: $9.95

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The Science Fiction Book Club
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