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Kia DuPree


Kia DuPree brings on more heart-wrenching storytelling with the story of Tinka, an unforgettable woman living on the edge of D.C.'s gritty streets. She has only one chance to escape-and too many ways to lose. 
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Kia DuPree


Freed from the pedophile who abducted her at the age of eleven and forced her into a shocking existence, KiKi's life should be on the upswing. But unprepared for life on her own, she finds herself in even worse trouble.
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Kia DuPree


When her man's murdered, Camille is forced to work for a deranged pimp named Nut to survive. But she'll soon start to see that her past doesn't have to dictate her future as she fights her way off the streets.
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Black Expressions focuses on contemporary and classic African-American fiction plus a wealth of titles in key areas such as heritage & culture, inspiration/religion, health and beauty, relationships, cooking and home, career and personal finance, self-help, kid's books and more! Members save up to 40% off publishers' edition prices on every book.


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Doubleday Book Club
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Doubleday Book Club features a vast selection of the latest fiction and nonfiction including best sellers, popular favorites, mysteries, romance, cooking, home decorating & more! As a member you'll always get free shipping on two or more books!