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Sample Niobia Bryant Books

The Hot Spot


Niobia Bryant


Who says divorcée Zaria can't be living la vida loca in her 40s? Especially with the chemistry she feels with 26-year-old hottie Kaleb, whose affections may just be deepening into the real thing....
Members Edition: $9.95

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Message From a Mistress


Niobia Bryant


Best friends Jaime, Renee, Aria and Jessa have always counted on each other-until they learn there's a fren-emy in their group. But can they keep it together as all their deepest secrets become exposed?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Mistress, Inc.


Niobia Bryant


Brazen mistress Jessa Bell is trying to be a bad-girl-gone-good. Now, she's cleaning up financially with her new business that helps wives catch their cheating husbands. But old desires-and old scandals-die hard!
Members Edition: $9.95

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Mistress No More


Niobia Bryant


In the much-anticipated sequel to the bestseller Message From a Mistress, will Jamie, Aria and Renee finally get their revenge on their notorious œfrenemy Jessa in this bold, sexy, suspense-packed story?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Doubleday Book Club
Join today and get 2 books for $9.99 each!

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