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Why pay more for Robyn Carr Books? Our reviewed clubs have many of the best sellers to choose from. ( having the largest selection.) Book Club Shop offers reviews of a wide selection of book clubs that offer Robyn Carr books at a huge saving off of retail prices. To view some of the selection of Robyn Carr books, see below.

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Sample Robyn Carr Books

Forbidden Falls


Robyn Carr


Noah, a new pastor hoping to reopen an abandoned church at Virgin River, finds himself in a world of trouble when sassy Ellie Baldwin, an ex-stripper desperate for a respectable job, signs on as his new assistant.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Hidden Summit


Robyn Carr


Burned by love, Leslie has no intention of starting a relationship...until a man with similar wounds helps her open her heart to new possibilities. A touching Virgin River novel that you won't want to miss.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Wild Man Creek


Robyn Carr


Love blooms in the town of Virgin River when a chopper pilot recuperating from a horrific crash makes an unexpected connection with a sexy corporate maven who's trying to build a life for herself away from the rat race.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Sunrise Point


Robyn Carr


Sparks fly when former marine Tom Cavanaugh returns to Virgin River and lays eyes on fiery Nora Crane, a woman who's the opposite of what he thinks he wants in a wife...but who haunts his heart like no other.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Promise Canyon


Robyn Carr


When horse whisperer Clay Tahoma moves to the town of Virgin River, he's instantly smitten by the area's wild beauty and utterly captivated by a blue-eyed woman with a stubborn streak that rivals his own.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Harvest Moon


Robyn Carr


Burnt-out sous-chef Kelly Matlock finds the recipe for happiness when she meets widower Lief Holbrook-a screenwriter with rugged lumberjack looks-while vacationing at the peaceful town of Virgin River.
Members Edition: $9.95

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My Kind Of Christmas


Robyn Carr


Navy pilot Patrick Riordan gets a different kind of adrenaline rush when he comes to Virgin River and meets a young beauty who's supposed to be off-limits...but who stirs feelings in him that he thought were long dead.
Members Edition: $9.95

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The Literary Guild
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Rhapsody Book Club
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