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Ronie Kendig


Navy SEAL Max Jacobs struggles with PTSD, and when his wife files for divorce, he's devastated. Are covert government operations Max's answer-or will they bring more danger and dissension upon his broken family?
Members Edition: $9.95

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Wolfsbane: Discarded Heros #3


Ronie Kendig


After months of torture in the Venezuelan jungle, Dani escapes, only to be charged with espionage and forced to return to find a nuclear facility. Green Beret Canyon Metcalfe is determined that she returns unharmed.
Members Edition: $9.95

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Ronie Kendig


Piper Blum is in hiding from assassins bent on destroying her family. Although smitten by Colton Neely, she fears the day he discovers her secrets. Will they survive a secret mission with their love-and lives-intact?
Members Edition: $9.95

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