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Why pay more for Terry Pratchett Books? Our reviewed clubs have many of the best sellers to choose from. ( having the largest selection.) Book Club Shop offers reviews of a wide selection of book clubs that offer Terry Pratchett books at a huge saving off of retail prices. To view some of the selection of Terry Pratchett books, see below.

You may also be interested in Terry Pratchett Audiobooks from Audible Audiobook Club.

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Sample Terry Pratchett Books

Unseen Academicals


Terry Pratchett


Forced to reinstate the sport of football, the wizards of Unseen University tame the game with rules and uniforms. They're supposed to win a match without using magic, but no one knows that the team has a ringer....
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.99

You pay: $9.95



Terry Pratchett


On vacation in the country, Cmdr. Sam Vimes is bored and restless-until he stumbles upon a body. Actually, there are many bodies, victims of an ancient crime, and Vimes must get justice. Because this time it's personal!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.99

You pay: $9.95

I Shall Wear Midnight


Terry Pratchett


Something foul is rousing anti-witch sentiment in the Chalk-and it bears ill will toward Tiffany Aching! With the Feegles helpless against it, she must find a way to stop the malice...before she ends up dead, or worse!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $9.95



Terry Pratchett


Legendary Discworld author Sir Terry Pratchett re-imagines Charles Dickens' unforgettable young pickpocket in a Victorian-era adventure featuring Sweeney Todd, Benjamin Disraeli...and Charles Dickens himself!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $17.99

You pay: $9.95

The Long Earth


Terry Pratchett


Discover the Long Earth-an endless chain of parallel worlds that get stranger and stranger the further you go-in Terry Pratchett's long-awaited return to SF, co-written by Flood author Stephen Baxter!
Members Edition: $9.95

Publishers Edition: $25.99

You pay: $9.95

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Terry Pratchett Books Also Available at These Clubs...

(2 Terry Pratchett books available)
Book Of The Month Club
Get Bestsellers for only $9.99 and FREE Shipping

If you are looking for book club that lets you enjoy a wide range of books of your taste, Book of the Month Club is perfect for you. The Book of the Month Club offers a wide range of books from different genres. The books that we have will boost your interest in reading. Receive a book each month chosen by our panel of judges and each month you have the ability to add additional books for $9.99. It's the perfect way to grow your collection!


(1 Terry Pratchett books available)
The Literary Guild
Join today and get 2 books for $9.99 each!

The Literary Guild offers a wide range of fiction and nonfiction titles including mysteries, thrillers, books on history, fitness, finance, gardening, cooking, home decorating, romance, self-help and more! As a member you'll always get free shipping on two or more books!


(3 Terry Pratchett books available)
The Mystery Guild
Join today and get 2 books for $9.99 each!

Clue in to today's best mysteries, thrillers and true crime books, at a steal. Shop for popular mystery authors, detective fiction and murder mystery books. As a member you'll always get free shipping on two or more books!


(1 Terry Pratchett books available)
Quality Paperback Book Club
4 Books For $1 Each Plus A FREE Gift!

Quality Paperback Book Club features an entire library of hard-hitting nonfiction and cutting-edge fiction. As a member you'll save up to 45% off publishers' edition prices on all paperback books, get exclusive editions, and shop early soft cover editions 6 months before anyone else.


(5 Terry Pratchett books available)
The Science Fiction Book Club
Get a FREE book when you join!

Science Fiction Book Club features the latest best sellers, classics, epic and contemporary fantasy, art and more by popular authors including J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Brooks, Stephen King, Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett. As a member you'll always get free shipping when ordering two or more books!