One Spirit Book Club
![]() One Spirit Book Club ReviewOne Spirit is the only book club dedicated to bringing you the most informative, most inspirational, and the most empowering products available today. One Spirit offers a selection of books, videos, CD's and merchandise, all carefully chosen by our editorial team. Save up to 40% off publishers' edition prices on every book. What type of special offer is for new members?The One Spirit Book Club is offering a special for new members. New members will receive 4 books for just $2.00 plus shipping and handling. You may also buy a 5th for 50% off the publishers price and have one less to buy later. How much will I be charged for the special offer?With the special offer of $2.00 for 4 books, shipping is extra. The total including shipping and handling will be $15.70 with the current offer for new members. With this special offer you can save up to $24.00 just with the initial offer alone. What is my commitment to One Spirit Book Club?As a member of the One Spirit Book Club, your only commitment is to purchase four more books (3 more if you buy a 5th for 50% off at enrollment) at the club's regular discounted rates. You have a full two years to purchase the books. That's only one book every six months. These purchases are at the club's discounted rates. The discounted rate is up to 30% off publishers' list price. What types of books does One Spirit offer?The One Spirit Book Club is the only book club dedicated to offering inspirational and devotional books and products. They offer over 500 books, cds, and merchandise to inspire and help you grow internally. Book topics range from New Age, Health and Healing, Self Help, Fiction, Sacred Space, and Spirituality. Browse the One Spirit Book Club selection. The hardest part is trying to decide which five books you want to start with. How do I join The One Spirit Book Club?To join the One Spirit Book Club, simply visit them online, select your books, provide your payment information, and before you know it you will be enjoying your new books in the comfort of your own home. What other information can you provide about One Spirit?The One Spirit Book Club offers discounted rates and shopping in the convenience of your own home. The club is dedicated to providing reading material to inspire your mind, body, and soul. What benefits are available to members?As a member of the One Spirit Book Club you will be able to browse through hundreds of books including books on spirituality, sexuality, and New Age, just to name a few. In addition, you will save up to 30% off publishers' prices on every book. With the club magazine you will be able to read reviews of new books and enjoy additional savings with special promotions. The club magazine will arrive approximately every 3 weeks. Shopping at the One Spirit Book Club is easy and convenient in your own home. In addition with every purchase, you will earn bonus points good for books to be further discounted. Bonus points are earned on all purchases after the initial offer. How do I contact customer service if I have a problem?If you ever have a question, or concern, you can email customers service with one click. There is also a frequently asked questions area which may be able to assist you. The website is easy to use and questions are handled quickly and easily by the customer service staff. |